What is Cancard UK?

If you use cannabis to help you with a medical condition, but can’t necessarily afford the expensive private prescription charges, then Cancard might be able to help you.

Cancard UK is a holographic photo ID card which allows the police to exercise discretion by understanding that the patient caught in possession is medicating for their condition.  It aims to bridge the gap between expensive prescription cannabis and cheaper black-market cannabis.  According to the Cancard UK website they are supported by doctors and senior representatives of the Police Federation.  It is available to those with a qualifying condition for a small annual fee.

What are the qualifying conditions for Cancard UK?

There a defined set of conditions that are eligible for a private medical cannabis prescription. To obtain a Cancard, you must have been diagnosed by your GP or a doctor with one of the following conditions:

Cancer – associated symptoms with a cancer diagnosis that are eligible for medical cannabis prescriptions are anxiety, chemotherapy induced nausea, depression, loss of appetite.

Neurological Conditions – the conditions that are eligible for medical cannabis are autism, migraine, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic pain, Parkinson’s.

Pain – the pain condition which are eligible are defined as chronic pain, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines.

Gastrointestinal – Irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the gastrointestinal conditions that are eligible.

Psychiatric – anxiety, depression, insomnia, PTSD, ADHD and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder are all eligible conditions.

How much does a Cancard UK cost?

According to their website, the cancard is available for an annual cost of £29.  This is a small administration charge.  They do not currently offer subsidised cards for those who can’t afford this, but they are aiming to offer a limited number of subsidised cards in the future.

Who can apply for a Cancard UK?

Anyone who resides in the UK, is over the ages of 18 and has one or more of the qualifying conditions can apply for a Cancard.

What does the BMA say about Cancard UK?

The British Medical Association has the following statement on there website

The BMA and RCGP cannot however support the use of the Cancard, nor the suggestion that UK registered GPs sign a declaration confirming a diagnosis in order for the card to be issued.

The Cancard UK website states that the Cancard has been designed in collaboration with GPs but as far as we are aware there is no formal endorsement from the Royal College of GPs, nor has the BMA, as your trade union, been consulted.

Whilst we sympathise with patients who struggle to pay a private prescription charge, we do not believe that this is a justifiable reason to encourage the purchase of unregulated unlicensed cannabis products from unregulated or illegal dealers.

If a patient is deemed to meet the criteria for an NHS prescription for an MHRA authorised prescriptible product then this may be issued where appropriate. Those patients on low incomes or with medical conditions qualifying for prescription charge exemption will be exempt from prescription charge in line with current regulations.

What does the Police say about Cancard UK?

Unfortunately I could find nothing official about the Cancard from any Police force website, and research has indicated that it is entirely down to the officer at the time as to whether they respect the Cancard and that any cannabis carried by the holder is medicinal; or as to whether they will just confiscate it and treat the owner as a criminal still.


Although it sounds like the perfect scheme to allow medicinal users to purchase illegal cannabis from street dealers, it does seem to be lacking in official support from several key organisations, or the guidelines for support are unclear.

However it’s not a great deal of money, and if you get a reasonable police officer, then the benefits provided could not only prevent you from getting in any kind of trouble, but also greatly increases the chances of you having your cannabis returned to you, if indeed it is even confiscated in the first place.

We have already seen the Police return prescription cannabis to a patient after it was intercepted in the post by officers.

I can’t say with 100% certainty that carrying a Cancard will save you from getting into trouble with the law if you get caught in possession, but it does seem like a useful tool to have.  And It will only get better as it matures.