Since I wrote the original post on Cannabis and the Political Parties a couple of months ago, it seems the Conservative party have rejected Boris Johnson as their leader.

Rather than editing the original post once the Tories have decided on a new leader, I thought it would be better to just write a short addendum going over the two remaining possible candidates and whether or not their leadership would change anything.

Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak has been a big part of politics the last couple of years, being the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the duration of the pandemic.

He recently quit that position though as protest of the way Boris Johnson was leading the party.

Rishi is a man who knows about money however, and has invested in UK Medical Cannabis companies, but has never spoken about drugs or drugs reform in parliament.

In fact despite being quite high profile in interviews, he has never really provided a definite answer either way.

Liz Truss

Liz Truss is another long serving MP who has risen through the ranks of power.

Her most recent position was Foreign Secretary, in Boris Johnsons cabinet. Unlike Rishi Sunak, she did not resign in protest.

She previously was a leading Lib Dem at Oxford University, during which time she was open to the legalization of soft drugs.

Since becoming a Conservative however, she has seemingly changed her mind and is now in favour of prohibition.


I think that Rishi is the most likely candidate to want to reform drug laws, and reap the rewards of the extra tax from a regulated and taxed recreational cannabis industry; but the official Conservative party line is that the current laws are adequate and prohibition should continue.

I still think that if you want to let the government know how you feel on the subject of legalization, then you should place your X in the box for the Liberal Democrats or the Green party.