Hidden dangers in thc vapes.  Image shows a man vaping in closeup

Hidden dangers in illegal THC vapes

I read in the news today that Doctors from King’s College London have discovered a drug called Xylazine contained in illegal THC vapes which had been confiscated by police. Xylazine is a very dangerous substance, intended to be used as an animal tranquiliser.

Xylazine is a non-opioid sedative. It is most commonly used to put large animals to sleep. Xylazine has been becoming increasingly common in the US. It’s responsible for a large percentage of all fatal overdoses in the US. It has recently been found in THC vapes in the UK.

What is Xylazine?

Xylazine is a non-opioid sedative. It is usually used by vets to put large animals to sleep. This drug is not approved for use in humans.

It has been causing deaths in the US since the year 2000. Where it is often mixed with opioids like Heroin or Fentanyl. When injected it can cause large open ulcers, which rot and can lead to amputation. It has been responsible for around 7% of all America’s fatal overdoses. In some states, this figure is as high as 25%.

Xylazine also causes the users breathing and heart rates to levels considered dangerous, especially when mixed with other sedatives. It is also highly addictive with severe withdrawal symptoms.

Where has Xylazine been found?

So far in the UK, Xylazine has only been found in a THC vapes and some counterfeit prescription drugs like Codeine, Valium, and Diazepam.

The team at Kings College London worked with all the Toxicology labs in the UK last year to gather evidence. As well as looking at drug testing results for unusual indications. There findings are published >here<.

Xylazine is not included in the standard toxicology tests in the UK. So researchers do not know exactly how large the problem has become in the UK. To date, Xylazine has only been found in two THC vapes and a small number of boxes of counterfeit tablets.

Why is this so concerning?

Many smokers are moving over to vaping as it is seen as a healthier option compared to smoking. This is true of both tobacco and cannabis smokers.

Obviously, due to the illegality of cannabis vapes in the UK, those who are looking to purchase them are having to resort to the black market. These black market vapes are often packaged as legal brands from countries where cannabis is legal. Xylazine contained in illegal THC vapes is a huge risk to a

This puts those who purchase them at risk, as there is no guarantee that the vapes will contain THC as expected. It’s not just Xylazine which is putting users at risk. Recently 5 teenagers in Eltham, London needed hospital treatment after using a vape which contained Spice. Spice is already notorious as the press seem to be unable to tell the difference between Cannabis flower, and synthetic cannabis (Spice)

What are the Government doing?

The UK’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs recommended to the government that Xylazine should be listed as a Class C drug. Putting it in the same category as laughing gas, anabolic steroids and benzodiazepines. This would mean people possessing it could be jailed for two years and those dealing it 14 years.

Considering they place Cannabis in the higher Class B category, we think this is a ridiculous approach due to how dangerous this drug seems to be.

A much better approach would be to legalise and regulate recreational cannabis. This would allow THC vapes to be sold over the counter like regular nicotine vapes are. Ensuring that people have access to genuine products which are not contaminated.


Although the discovery of Xylazine in THC vapes is worrying. Especially when viewed alongside the ever growing problems it’s causing in the US. The quantity found in the UK poses a minimal risk to the public.

However as more people switch to vapes, the risk increases. Especially when accompanied by inadequate or zero government action.

In my opinion, anyone considering switching to vaping would be better off using a dry herb vape (Like the Blk Mamba). These use cannabis flower rather than a liquid. It is less likely that flower has been contaminated with other drugs.