Indica vs Sativa

One of the most often asked questions in the cannabis community is regarding indica vs sativa, what the effects of each strain are and how to decide which strain you should consume.

There are three main types of cannabis plant. Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Ruderalis.

These three plants vary considerably in habitat and physical appearance.

An image showing the leaves of the three types of cannabis plant.  Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis
The three types of cannabis plant

Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa produces the tallest plants of the three. They have long slender leaves and are happiest growing in more temperate climates.

Sativa strains are thought to provide an energetic lifting high. This gives greater concentration and focus as well as relaxing you.

Cannabis Indica

Cannabis Indica is a much shorter bushier plant than Cannabis Sativa, it’s leaves are broader and it grows better in cooler temperatures. It is believed to have originated in the mountains of Afghanistan, so similar environments are ideal.

Indica is said to give you a much more body high, leading to feelings of relaxation and often sleepiness.

Cannabis Ruderalis

Cannabis Ruderalis is the shortest of the three types of cannabis. It generally has fewer leaflets per leaf, and smaller spindlier buds.

Ruderalis plants tend to contain lots of CBD but very little THC. So tend not to be so mainstream as they don’t generally produce a high of any note.

Ruderalis plants do have several redeeming qualities though, which makes them good for hybridisation. They are happy to grow practically anywhere and are generally hardier than their two cousins. They also don’t depend on light exposure to begin the flowering process. Instead, they start flowering after reaching a certain age.


One thing that people have become very good at over the centuries is cross breeding plants with specific traits with other plants to produce better plants with the characteristics of both parents. Cannabis is no different.

These days there are many many hybrids. These range from almost entirely sativa, through half and half mixes right through to the indica dominant hybrids.

What does the science say?

Now there hasn’t been as much scientific research on cannabis as there should have been over the years due to the legal status of the plant.

But what with countries around the world waking up to the benefits of legalised cannabis, there is slowly starting to be proper research into the plant.

One of the surprising things which has been shown, is that the effect cannabis has on you depends more on your body and mood than whether it’s indica vs sativa.


With that in mind and given the predominance of hybrids in the market. The best thing is to keep on trying as many different types as you can until you find one which works for you.

Maybe when we have a sensible regulated cannabis industry we’ll be able to get flowers which are guaranteed to be of a specific strain with the THC levels indicated as well.

The type of plant matters most to those who are growing the plants and need to know their preferred habitat, rather than those looking for a specific type of high.

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