Walter the Wizard.

Walter the Wizard is the star of a series of up and coming children’s books. They aim to help children navigate through everyday scenarios which some might find challenging.

Walter the Wizard book bundle

Their goal is to create conversations that challenge the current program and encourage debate, ensuring the expansion of thought.

The two books which I received are “Walter and the Worry Dragon” and “Walter the Wizard and the Magic Seed”. They came in a bundle with a whole load of goodies including a lavender scented Walter the Wizard Worry doll.

Walter the Wizard and the Magic Seed.

This is the book which initially drew me to the Walter the Wizard series. In it, Titch, One of Walters friends, is suffering from seizures. So Walter sets about growing some cannabis from a seed so he can make some oil to treat his friends.

This book help change the narrative about cannabis by highlighting how effective it is as a medicine at treating various conditions like epilepsy. It also lists several of the other brilliant things cannabis can be used for, such as being used as a building material in house building, replacing single use plastics, or making clothes from fabric made from cannabis fibers.

This book won the Best CBD book from the 2022 World CBD Awards.

CBD Best Book Award 2022

Walter the Wizard and the Worry Dragon.

This is the first of the books which I read. It is a lovely little story about a Dragon who suffers a little with social anxiety. The Dragon just stays at home all day because they worry that other magical woodland creatures will be scared of them, or that they will accidentally set something on fire with their breath.

Enter Walter the Wizard. Walter helps the Dragon overcome his fears and ultimately helps them save the day when all the lanterns need re-lighting.

It shows children that it is ok to be worried about things sometimes, and that everyone gets worried. But that you shouldn’t let these troublesome thoughts stop you from living your life.

Worry Kit

The worry kit is exactly the same as the one Walter gives to the Dragon at the end of the book. It contains a heart shaped lavender pillow, which smells amazing, a rose quartz crystal, and a hand made worry doll which looks like Walter.

The aim is that the child can tell the worry doll their worries, and then slip him under their pillow. Then come the morning, the doll will have taken all their worries away, leaving them feeling rested and refreshed and worry free 🙂

It’s also a brilliant way to bring the story to life. Giving the child a tangible piece of the story to hold in their hand.

Shared vision

These books appealed to us because the Authors goal to start conversation about cannabis and the good it can do is the same for us here at Daze of Hope. For too long the narrative has been driven by prohibition and as such nothing but misinformation has been spread.

Our goal is to get this countries unfair and outdated laws regarding cannabis changed. We aim to do this through education and conversation, and things like the Walter the Wizard books are a great tool to start conversation.


Both books are brilliantly written and illustrated. They each provide an entertaining story to keep younger children captivated. Both books do an excellent job of communicating the issue each one is about in a child friendly and easily understandable format.

If you want to find out more about the Walter the Wizards books, or would like to purchase them for yourself, then you can at the Walter the Wizard website.

Categories: Reviews